2019 - GETEMED as Innovator of the Year
In cooperation with brand eins magazine, Statista analysed the most innovative companies in Germany. The information gathered via interviews with industry and innovation experts was evaluated. More on this...
Thank you for your visit!
GETEMED would like to thank all visitors for joining us at our booth during the Annual Meeting of the GNPI- und DGPI in Leipzig.
45. Annual Meeting of the GNPI and 27. Annual Meeting of the DGPI
We look forward to your visit during the 45. Annual Meeting of the GNPI and 27. Annual Meeting of the DGPI in Leipzig from the 23. - 25.05.2019.
GETEMED’s proposal „AI-THeMA“ convinced the jury of BMWi’s AI Innovation Competition.
The main aims of the AI-THeMA project (Artificial Intelligence based Tele-Health for Multi-Platform Architecture) are to bring a proven telemedical care concept into standard care and to improve the management of congestive heart failure patients...
Thank you HIMSS | Hello DGPK
We would like to thank all our visitors for joining us at the Berlin-Brandenburg booth during the HIMSS Global Conference & Exhibition in Orlando. We look forward to the upcoming trade shows and...
GETEMED will be present at HIMSS 2019 in Orange County Convention Center Orlando FL
The HIMSS Global Conference & Exhibition is one of the most important global congresses in the healthcare IT-sector where, in addition to all the exciting presentations, you also get the chance to see the latest...